Using the On API

On API supports batch updates through update API calls. It also provides lookup calls for Q/A and general inspection purposes only.


For an overview of On API endpoint s see Endpoint Overview

Getting Seed Data and Updates

To download the entire endpoint, and to update it on a daily basis, follow the steps described here: Getting Seed Files and Getting Updates.

Exploring Using the API Explorer

For convenience, Gracenote provides an API Explorer you can use to lookup and navigate On API data:

  1. Go to the Gracenote Video and Sports site and log in:
  2. Click on the API Explorer tab.
  3. From the Explorer's main page, use the Select an API dropdown to navigate to the On API

To access the APIs, you need an API Key. Contact your Gracenote representative to get one. You will also need this key to use to the Gracenote API Explorer. You can use the explorer to try out the APIs in real time.

Note: Use lookup calls for Q/A inspection of lineup records only.
Do not use lookups for production.