Video Descriptor Weights

Each video descriptor applied to a program is also accompanied by a weighting score. This adds a second dimension of relevancy to Gracenote video descriptors that can be used to further refine content analysis and recommendations. For computational purposes, descriptors will be measured on a 10 point scale, but for editorial simplicity and to discern clearly between the importance of each descriptor, weighting selections will be made on a 5 point scale of 1,3,5,7, and 9. However, today Gracenote editors only use the weights of 5, 7, and 9. This is so as only the most relevant aspects of a work are tagged. The following table further explains what is meant by each weight.

Weight Description Notes
1 Nominal information Not used today
3 Minor program aspect Not used today
5 Significant program aspect


7 Major program aspect


9 Primary program aspect Reserved for the most important descriptors per type

9s represent the most important descriptor per type. However, this can vary based on content, and more importantly, the ‘type’ because certain types are more likely to have multiple 9s than others, such as Character and the many Subject types.

7s are used to tag very important details that are not the primary focus of the work.

5s tag anything that is a significant part of the work, but not a primary or major focus.

One 9 is required in each type for it to be considered complete. 7s and 5s aree applied only when a keyword is considered applicable. This means some types in a given work will just have 9s while others will have 9s and a combination of 7s and 5s.

For example, consider the movie Deadpool. For mood the following tags were applied: Visceral, Irreverent, Romantic, Thrilling, and Violent. Deadpool is a movie known for action and comedy so this would be an example when two 9s would be appropriate. In this case, that be Irreverent and Thrilling. From there, this film showcases violence, but that is not the primary focus. So visceral and violent are both 7s. Finally, although this film does focus on romance, it is not a major aspect relative to the other parts. Therefore, Romantic is weighetd as 5. Overall, this weighting allows Gracenote to show, which moods are the most important when discussing Deadpool. It is similar to other programs tagged with Thrilling and/ or Irreverent, while also allowing for a different look for content similarity.
