
The Schedules endpoint is designed to retrieve Gracenote TV schedules, organized by station identifier (programming service ID, or prgSvcId) and UTC datetime.

The Schedules schema provides timeslot-level information, including:

  • prgSvcId, for linking to station details in Sources API
  • TMS ID, for language-specific representation of program on schedule
  • Datetime, specified in UTC for simple conversion to display timezones
  • Schedule ratings, from ratings boards in airing area, if available
  • Content rights, to support client specific use cases such as Instant Restart, User Recordings, Mobile Viewing
  • Additional timeslot qualifiers, such as CC, HDTV, Live

All schedule days are marked with a unique updateId, denoting current information for station’s schedule on that date. Changes to any timeslot within the 24-hour schedule day will result in assignment of a new updateId, which allows you to pull deltas since last retrieval of schedule information. Scope of schedules can be requested by subset of stations in particular country, lineup, or custom station list, and a consistent window of schedule day updates is continuously available for request. For example, customers who choose to receive 21-days of schedules for US and Canadian stations will receive a continuous stream of updates, with new schedule days and stations automatically added to the stream of updates.