Data Dictionaries and Controlled Vocabulary

Download data dictionary and CV spreadsheets here:

You can also get the full CV through its endpoint. For example, to return a batch of 1000 CVs:<your-api-key>

The following table lists CV attributes and their data types.




cvId alphanumeric

Object id of the CV object type. Each object will have a unique ID. Each object may have its own id structure but all are unique ids.

objectType string

The data field that the object is for. E.g. “genre” will include data for genre translations. Each genre category will have its own object

id integer

The id of the value.

lang string

The language translation of the value. Uses language codes e.g. “en”, “fr”, etc.

value string

The value itself. Market (DMA)  example: “Portland-Auburn”

attributeId integer

The extended attributes are used for nested values. For example, when there is one value that is translated into multiple languages, each language and language translation for that value would be within extended attributes.

attributeType string

Describes the category of the extended attribute value. For example, “cast” or “crew” for roleType

attributeLang string The language translation of the extended attribute value
attributeValue string

The value of the extended attribute. Genre examples: “Action”, “Adventure”, etc.

Example: Genre

<controlledVocabulary cvId="GN123" objectType="genre" updateId="13421" updateDate="2020-11-15T00:21:58Z">